blog roll

These are blogs that I am fond of: much inspiration, education and entertainment is to be found in them.

Male Pattern Boldness

I bought an Elna Supermatic because of this man (should probably have been a Singer Featherweight for true homage, but I loved the colour of the Elna).

Elizabeth's Quarters

A like-minded friend, stitcher, work colleague, blogger, knitter, and white wine drinker...

Gertie's New Blog for Better Sewing

Go're an inspiration to the (sewing) nation.

Stitches and Seams

Debbi's most excellent blend of humour, life-sanity and serious sewing talent.

Vintage Vixen

A day without dressing up is a day wasted: sartorial inspiration for the soul.

That Man Quilts?

The fastest quilter in the West? And always interesting thoughts on living life.

Tilly and the Buttons

Sews lovely things and has very enviable dimples.

Wacky Tacky

The Daisy Mae Rock Room at The Madonna of my most favourite places ever.

Twila Jean

Stylicious, and as fond of breakfast as I am.

Mister Finch

I want one: in fact, I want lots...


Don't visit if you have something you MUST do in the next hour or so...

Off the Cuff

Even with UK customs charges,  Pam's interfacing was well worth the money, and she shares so much sewing experience.

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